What the FAQ

I like to keep the main thing, the main thing.

So, I’m just gonna bang-out answers to every question you might have right now.

And by the end of this thing?

You’ll know if you want to hire me.

Here goes.

Who are you?

I am the founder at Smart Alto, a Google backed AI startup. I am also the host of the Breakthrough with AI podcast. 

What do you do again?

When I’m not running my startup, I speak and host workshops about AI and ChatGPT. 

What are your main topics? 

I reinforce the core principles you teach about lead generation, content creation, social media marketing, sales, lead follow-up, branding, and so much more.

Who do you do this for?

Real estate, insurance, mortgage and other associations. Corporations. Small businesses. Sales professionals. 

Basically any organization who wants to learn how to use AI & ChatGPT to grow their business. 

Why should I hire you to speak at my next event?

I guarantee a highly anticipated buzz-worthy event that people talk about long after it’s over and aligns with what you preach.

No one else can say that – not even close. 

How do you make my life easier?

I make promotional videos that create a buzz to drive registrations and pre-orders. 

As an added benefit, I host private workshops to give VIPs special access and a “celebrity experience” you can upsell or presell to drive non-dues revenue. 

Where else have you spoken? 

Fortune 500 corporations like Google. Associations like the National Association of Realtors. Colleges like Penn State. The list goes on.

Ask for a complete list when we talk. 

What makes you different than all the other AI Guru speakers?

Well, I make ‘sizzle videos’ to promote the event to drive registrations and presells. 

Attendees leave with checklist, cheatsheets, swipe files, emails, text messages, GPTs and everything else they need to execute what I teach.

I reinforce what you preach. I just do it using AI & ChatGPT. But you don’t have to worry about me unraveling lessons you’ve previously taught. 

Well, that’s convenient to say.

Yea, I’m biased. But that does’t mean I’m wrong. 

It’s true! I want you to hire me as a speaker for your next event. 

It’s OK to be skeptical. You should be skeptical. 

But that’s why we should talk about the event you’re planning. So you can see for yourself and make your own judgement. 

And you should talk to people who’ve hired me in the past. What they say about me is far more powerful than what I say about me. 

Okay, so tell me again, what can I expect?

A buzzy worthy event. Attendees who talk about me long after the event is over. A smooth, hassle free process with zero risk and all upside. 

Can you help my organization make more money? 

Yes, we can talk about ways to drive non-dues revenue for your organization. This can include offering folks coaching, consulting, software or anything else. 

Anything else I should know?

I didn’t just learn about AI and decide to start speaking about it. I run an AI startup called Smart Alto. I use AI in my business to grow revenue and reduce cost.

But more than that – I am the only speaker who guarantees a buzz worthy event that people talk about long after it’s over and aligns with what you preach. 

I break down complex concepts into simple language people can understand and use in their business.